Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Carmina Burana Translation

Here is a link to a fairly reliable translation of Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana".

CPO Mahler's 2nd an inspiration!

I have very few words to describe both the excitement and euphoria our CPO's performance of Mahler's 2nd Symphony in the Jack Singer Concert Hall this past Friday and Saturday evening. Mahler's music jumped off the page and into the hearts and minds of all in attendance. You, the chorus, played such a huge role in the performance even if only for the final 15 minutes! I can't begin to thank you enough for your musical commitment, vocal prowess, memorization and overall professionalism! You inspired so many, including audience, orchestra, fellow singers and myself. I hope you know how much impact you had on this performance because I don't think I will stop hearing about it for some time!

Yours in song,